Three girls, all bloggers
Whoppie Pies and cookies
Sitting in the sun
Kicks from my little boy
A puppy
The Apple store
An amazing day
The end.
The cute (tiny!) puppy was named "Butters"... as in, multiple butter.
Her 13 year old owner went nuts when she found out that Leigh-Ann was from Canada.
"Justin Bieber is from Canada!!"
I love my life.
Hi guys!
I've been away from home since yesterday afternoon and the internet is acting like punk over here! Bubby's parents should be back soon, so hopefully his Dad can fix my big ol' laptop's connection.
Last night, we had some friends over for an ice cream sundae party and a rousing game of Apples to Apples.
My Sister is amazing, goofy, funny & incredibly beautiful.
She also used my webcam last night and didn't think I'd notice.
I did, Effie, I DID!
Tee hee hee!
We had an amazing time with our dear friends Kerena, Patrick and their sweet daughter, Miss K., my Sister and her man, Colin, and Dustin's brother, Jerrod and his friend Shaun. I love being around people that aren't interested in ONLY getting wasted and partying. That's SO not my scene. I'm more than ready for the time in my life where things are covered in baby drool and play-dates are a part of everyday life. Trading Mommy tips. Washing diapers. Quiet baths. Sniffing sweet baby skin. DIVINE!
[Squid in the belly, plus dog hair. Hot.]
While I wait for this sweet baby to finish cooking in my belly, I turn to the cuddly little fur babies in my life.
Like this one:
His brother, too!
And of course we can't forget the fat rolls on this little girl:
Hope your Saturday has been amazing!
Don't forget to check back tomorrow for my 1,300 Things post!
1. Face Massage.
2. Weird Crock-Pot creations.
3. Over flowing Crock-Pot creations.
5. A new found crush on all things Viking.
(Eric from Sookie.. He's... I need a napkin for my drool)
(The new Thor trailer)
(Okay, these are just TOO cute. Source)
(Not this guy... he's just creepy.)
7. Dental appointment. One teeny cavity and bloody, bloody gums (gross). I still loved it, though.
9.Catching up on Big Love, season 4.
10. Trader Joe's Cherry Berry Mix... Frozen fruit! (The cherries are the best part.)
11. The strongest kicks I've ever felt (Dustin agreed!). My baby knows Kung-Foo.
12. Seeing these beautiful Mush-Faces
13. Going through my notes from when I took Indie Business. One of my very best friends, Miss Leigh-Ann, is actually teaching the course again, starting on Tuesday. Still time to sign up if you're interested in learning the ins-and-outs of making your own on-line or local business!
These chicks know their stuff, too.
14. Possible SNOW in San Francisco! What are we, Fargo?!
15. Today I'm going with my Momma to see the place where we're gunna have my baby shower! Well, one of them. I think I'm going to have three... Oy vey!
How was your week? Anything interesting?
Leave me a link to your blog... I wanna see!
Lots of love and sweet Kung-Foo punches,
Violet, Squiddy and Bubby, too!
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