2011 brought so many good thing for our Family. I have to say, this has been the most amazing, life changing year in my life even though I lived most of it in fear of everything being taken away from me. This year was about the magic of pregnancy. Unwavering love. Wishes coming true. Fulfillment. Second chances. Happy hearts and warm kisses. This year was about living life and I'd like to share my proof.
(play this first)
This time last year, I had just announced my pregnancy and had the tiniest little squid growing in my belly. What a journey we were headed towards!
We were ecstatic and yet I was more scared than I had ever been about anything. I worried and cried and I swear I gave myself wrinkles. I loafed around for much of the second half of my pregnancy and was a real lazy bum (I still am amazed that I wasted so many days doing nothing compered to all that I do now). I wandered off during the day and had mini adventures all by myself. It was beautiful.
Dustin and I spent quality time with our friends and family and really enjoyed ourselves, despite my pregnancy crankiness. We lived up the weekly (sometimes twice weekly!) Barnes & Noble coffee/magazine trips. We ate out a lot (Pregnant chicks like food) and went to movies and held hands. I went through non-stress tests and daily blood sugar pokes and did it all for the three of us. My friend Leigh-Ann came to stay with us from Canada and her love, Keith, came for a bit, too! Dustin and I enjoyed our last weeks together as a family of two and on June 19th, Father's Day, our boy joined the world.
That last picture has got to be one of my top three images of all time, including the every work by every famous artist. Nothing (NOTHING) has ever spoken to my heart as deeply as Dustin's eyes do in this picture.
This is heaven.
This is what God intended when he created love.
The last six months of the year have been the fastest and slowest of my whole life. My child is growing, daily, right before my eyes. Dustin is growing as a Father and the head of our household, daily, right before my eyes. I have never been more in love with another person than I am with my Husband. Roman has created a bond between us, a deeper attraction and it's mind blowing. When I see him hold our son, the depths of my whole soul sigh with contentment. It's the closest to God I've ever felt.
Who knows what 2012 will bring the three of us. Hopefully my mood will stay up as high as it's been these past few days and my body's chemistry will get back to normal. Hopefully my strong friendships will solidify even more and my weak friendships will mend and bloom and grow. I hope Roman continues to get bigger and more manly each day and I'd love it if he'd magically turn into a cuddle-bug. My first non-family priority this year is to get my handmade business up and running - products made, etsy stocked, samples given and blog page created. I HAVE to do it this year... Four years is far too many to put off your DREAM! I hope you all will receive it well, my line an products. I'm so nervous! It's time to be a big girl, though. As far as adventures go, we're open to anything and I know in our deepest of deeps that all Dustin and I both dream about is health, harmony and happiness for our little family. What more could anyone ask for... besides, maybe, a little girl? (We already have her name picked out... come to us, sweet girl!) I guess we'll just have to see where God leads us. I couldn't be more excited!
I hope you have a safe and happy New Year's Eve, my friends. May 2012 be fulfilling and full of wondrous things for you and yours.
So much love,
what an amazing year:)
Posted by: Tamara | 12/31/2011 at 09:59 AM
beautiful year lovely lady, hope this 2012 is wonderful for you
Posted by: Dulce | 12/31/2011 at 05:30 PM
I really loved this post... Roman was born on my birthday :]
I hope 2012 will be another fantastic year for you!
Posted by: Katha Strophe | 01/01/2012 at 06:50 AM
This post just made my day. You are a beautiful, awesome lady with a beautiful, awesome family. I'm so happy to have gotten to know you in 2011 and I wish you all the best in 2012!
Posted by: Caitlin | 01/01/2012 at 09:52 AM
Happy New Year! I hope it's absolutely amazing and wonderful in every way possible.
Posted by: Julie | 01/01/2012 at 05:21 PM
so glad I found your blog! love it <3 hope you have a beautiful new year!
~Anna @ howsmallseedsgrow.com
Posted by: Anna | 01/01/2012 at 05:52 PM
What a beautiful year! What a beautiful family! God bless you every one. Love, Julie
Posted by: Julie Rimer | 01/01/2012 at 08:37 PM
What a lovely post with such beautiful pictures!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful year with us! Happy New Year! :)
Posted by: Jacque Stewart | 01/02/2012 at 12:44 AM
Just found your blog!
What an eventful year you've had! Your little family is so beautiful :)
Happy New Year
Posted by: Heather | 01/02/2012 at 08:44 AM
you've got it all, just like you always hoped for! Congrats on an amazing year and family. This year will surely top it !
Posted by: nic | 01/05/2012 at 07:25 PM