Dustin and I are laying here on the couch at him Mom's house after celebrating her birthday at a local pasta house. We, Dustin and I, his parents and younger brother, came home and devoured a splendid cheese cake that his Dad made (A-mazing) and I realized that I forgot to blog today! I was out most of the day helping Lori at The Nova Studio and then I came home, packed for the evening, wrapped a gift and then crashed out until Dustin got home. I have excuses. ;)
So, back to sitting on the couch. We're browsing through my old photos, looking for inspiration and we came across this jem. Dustin promptly it named "Donk." I don't know why. He said that it had some thing to do with the door handle, wide eyes, him hiding behind my head and the massive cold sore on my lip. Well, I brought up the cold sore part.. I like to think he didn't see it. ;)
This photo was taken on New Years Eve of 2005 in a little Bed and Breakfast in Carmel, California. I was still getting chemo because of the whole "tumor filled lung" thing and New Years Eve just happened to fall on the time in my chemo cycle when I was out of the hospital and was feeling really good, the precious 1/2 of a week where I felt almost "normal." Here, I was putting my makeup on: eyeshadow, liner, mascara on the few eyelashes that hadn't fallen out yet. Puffy face from steroidsI tried to cover up the lip sore that happened to grace my face (my immune system, like almost every person who is going through chemo, was terribly shot). Blue, cozy knit beanie for my baldie-bald head.
We decided to take a few pictures and, after going though the whole batch, this little gem was the one that Dustin chose for this week's post to commemorate that weekend in our life where we almost felt "normal."
Now, every week feels "normal" and that is something that's worth all of the door knobs, cold-sores, eyelashes and "creepy Husbands who lurk in photos" in the world.
I'm so glad you are healthy now Violet :) You are an amazing woman :) p.s this is keith writing this
Posted by: LeighAnn | 11/21/2010 at 07:14 PM