Seeing that yesterday was good ol' Turkey Day here in the States, I thought I'd bring back a post a I did a bit ago about the Thanksgiving I had while in the E.R.
Since this year's Thanksgiving was light-years better than the one in this post, I thought I'd formally introduce my thanks for today! Hell yes to not being in chemo treatments. Hell yes for having hair. And, hell yes for not feeling SO utterly horrible and nauseous.
I found one more picture to add to the post .. it's a good one!
Original post HERE.
"Once the chemo started, I got in the swing of being infused (with the drugs) for five days, puking my guts out, coming home and then having to go back a week later due to some sort of infection (from my suppressed immune system). This happened after each round of chemo. One of my emergency room trips just happened to take place on Thanksgiving and Oh, what I would have done to have just been able to stay home!
Anyhow, Dustin took me into the E.R. and I was feeling shitty and bummed and I shed lots of tears. When, out of the blue, my sister and her (then) boyfriend surprised me with a plate of Thanksgiving goodness, pumpkin pies (to bribe the nurses to bring in said plate of food for me) and their wonderful, loving selves.
How do you cheer up a sick, unhappy bald chick?
Why, you blow sterile gloves up with your nose and pretend to be turkeys, of course."
And now for the never before seen picture:
My Sister playing the part of the sacred Thanksgiving turkey seconds before she received the allmighty smite, and was then sent to turkey heaven.
Damn, she's good. <3
Hope your Thanksgiving was superb!
Don't get trampled at Walmart today. Happy Black Friday ;)
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