- Stick Stickley
- Doughboy pools
- Watching Nickeloden all day long.
- Donkey Kong on Super Nintendo.
- Pink Flamingo flavored Kool-Aid (anyone else remember this flavor?)
- Spending the night at my best friend's house THREE nights in a row (we got sick of each other by day 2.5.)
- Playing with Hope, my next door neighbor. We played house, made mud pies, spent hours with her KILLER Barbie collection, tormented her brother, played Super Nintendo (She had Mario Paint, I was jealous), played board games...
- Chasing down the ice cream man. Sorry we begged for money almost EVERYDAY, Mom. I'm sure it wasn't cheap, with three kids and all. :)
- My birthday and how I never got to celebrate with my class (June 21st).
- Theme songs (I STILL know the words and notes. )
- Discovering the joy of riding my bike around the block by myself.
- Late night Summer walks with Mom.
- Getting terrible sunburns.
- Berenstain Bear books, over and over again.
- Pretending that my hand was a boy's mouth and imagining what kissing was like.
- Drawing a town with roads and shops and parking spots and bossing my siblings around. "You CAN'T walk on the store!" ... "You have to park THERE!" .. "Don't smear the lines!"
- Sticking to that big, brown Naugahyde chair my parents had on really hot days. Getting up was painful!
- Making mixed tapes off of the radio.
- Puppies! My parents bred Spring Spaniels and we almost always had a pudgy little littler of pups around.
- Spending hours and hours in my backyard.
- Dreading the first day of the new school year...
What do YOU remember from your childhood summers?
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