At Dustin's Mom's house, there is a book in the bathroom called 14,000 Things To Be Happy About, by Barbara Ann Kipfer.
It's, well, 14,000 things to be thankful for. Some of them were repeated just in the few pages that I've read, but I really like the idea of listing life's beautiful little things.
So, here's a new series for Sundays (even though it's Tuesday... blame it on the long weekend). Join me on your own blog if you'd like, just make sure to link it up and give me some love!
1. Midnight sandwiches, by yourself, typing a blog post.
2. Really good salt, especially this smoked sea salt.
3. Using cloths napkins at home for the hell of it.
4. Drawing on the mirror after a shower with your finger's foggy ink.
5. Sitting in the evening sun, talking to someone who is important to you.
6. Beautiful oilcloth from my Auntie Cathy. (I miss you, Auntie <3)
7. Raindrops on roses...
8. Fog over the moon, creating a blurry lamp in the dark, dark night.
9. Early kisses, despite my morning breath.
10. Having a meal cooked for you AND the dishes done.
11. Good dental floss.
12. Streaming videos on Netflix. Currently watching:
13. Fresh boxes of crayons.
14. Old School Nickelodeon and Disney shows.
15. Water for tea, at the perfect temperature.
16. Date night with the my Man. I don't even care what we're doing, as long as it's called a Date Night.
18. Having a really fast internet connection.
19. Flash Mobs in shopping malls.
20. Freshly painted toenails.
22. Striped shirts on little boys.
23. Hot french toast, with a dab of butter and a drip of syrup.
24. The smell of blossoms on a lemon tree.
25. Bed head on Bubby.
I love this!!!! I'm going to have to participate and link to this! Great list!!!
P.S. Why 1,300? Any significance? Never mind, I just broke out my handy dandy calculator. I can be smart...sometimes. haha!!! Why am I leaving this P.S. on my comment? Oh, because it makes me laugh and thought maybe it would you too. ;)
Posted by: Jamie (Inspired Mess) | 06/02/2010 at 07:29 AM
This is just great!! I'm definitely going to be joining in :)
Posted by: Angela | 06/02/2010 at 11:51 PM
hehehe i'm in thereee
Posted by: sisterrr | 06/04/2010 at 12:15 AM
what a great list, I love that you really see all the small stuff that I usually overlook. Totally great things to be thankful for. Inspires me to observe a little deeper and really appreciate the little things. I am also inspired and in awe of your friday flashbacks. Thank you so much for sharing them, being honest, you are a great writer!!
Posted by: emily | 06/04/2010 at 07:15 PM
fantastic idea, great to see where it all began.
Posted by: ana @ i made it so | 11/21/2010 at 04:20 PM